

    I use fun weekly themes as a framework for structuring our preschool curriculum.  Past topics include ants, butterflies, cows, ducks, elephants, fish, and gardening.  I believe learning best occurs when people are happy and their interest is high.  While each day's plan includes science activities, art projects, and story time, I monitor the children's level of engagement and make adjustments as appropriate.  It is my goal to help children develop social skills, emotional health, and a basic understanding of the world that will prepare them for whatever educational paths they take in the future.  More specifically, I address the following, through both planned activities and casual, spontaneous interactions:

Social Skills
-Respect & manners, including turn taking & sharing
-Developing relationships
-Unstructured, imaginative play
-Listening skills
Emotional Health 
-Positive attitude
-Problem solving skills
-Listening to stories and asking questions
-Practice drawing/writing with a variety of tools: crayons, fingers, pencils, paintbrushes, chalk, sticks, etc
-Retelling stories
-Songs & rhymes
-Alphabet, including letter recognition and sounds
-Recognizing and spelling own name
Early Math/Cognitive Skills
-Number recognition
-Construction including blocks, legos, sticks, wood, etc
-Nature studies including plants and animals
-Comparing & classifying
-Basic nutrition
-Our bodies
-Arts & Crafts using a variety of methods and materials including collage, paint, clay/playdough, etc
-Open ended materials
-Music: singing, dancing, rhythm instruments
Motor Skills & Sensory Experiences
-Fine: Stringing, cutting, pasting, pinching,
-Gross: Climbing, jumping, running, balancing, throwing, kicking
-Sensory: Exploring a variety of textures and consistencies

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