

Contract For Mandi's Place Playschool 
Hours of Service 
My business hours are 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays,  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 pm to 10 pm on Fridays, 7 am to 10 pm Saturdays, and 7 am to 9 pm Sundays.  Drop off or pickup time outside of these hours must be prearranged in person or by a phone call.  If prearrangement is not made, an overtime charge of $1.00 per minute will be assessed starting  five minutes past pick up time. 
Holidays and Vacations 
I do not take paid holidays.  You will only pay for the days your child is actually in my care.  However,  I am closed for business on the following days:  
New Year's Day            Memorial Day             Labor Day                     Thanksgiving Day 
February 8th                  June 24th                     October 24th                The day after TG 
April 26th                       July 4th                         November 27th            December 24 & 25
If I take any vacations or days off other than those mentioned above, I will notify you in writing at least two weeks in advance.  I take closing my business very seriously because I realize the inconvenience to you if child care is not dependable.  In the event that I am sick, I will attempt to find a trustworthy substitute.  If one cannot be found I will notify you of closure as soon as possible.  Any time the playschool is closed, your weekly rate will be adjusted accordingly.   
 Sick Child Policy 
I will notify you if your child becomes ill while in my care.  This includes, but is not limited to, a fever of 100 degrees or more, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash other than diaper rash or heat rash.  Please do not bring your child to the playschool if your child has suffered from any of these symptoms within the past 24 hours.   

If your child is exposed to any contagious illnesses or diagnosed with one please inform me within 24 hours so that I may notify the other parents.   
One snack will be served during evening playschool hours.  3 meals and 3 snacks will be served during full day care.  If your child is on a special diet, I may request that you assist in providing your child's snacks.   
Personal Items 
Please provide me with the following items: 
  1. A change of clothing, labeled with the child's name, to be used in case of an accident. 
  1. Any ointments, lotions, sprays, or medications that you would like me to administer.  
  1. A water bottle or cup, labeled with the child's name.  
  1. Diapers for those children not potty trained.   
 I can keep these items at my home if needed but would prefer if they come daily with your child, in a bag labeled with his/her name  
I use positive discipline techniques such as making my expectations clear, reminders, and redirection before resorting to time-outs.  Physical and emotional punishments will not be used.  You will be informed if a problem persists or if I need cooperation from home so that we can be more consistent in what is expected.  Routine problems will be handled without making a big deal out of them.   
The safety and well being of the children in my care is my top priority.  Ample time outdoors is associated with improved physical and mental health, creativity, and concentration. Therefore, we will spend the majority of full day care outside when weather is optimal.  While I will use discretion, we will typically continue to spend some time outdoors as long as the temperature is above 15 with wind chill and the heat index is below 100.  This is in accordance with the child care weather watch charts provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health.  Since we will be outside in varying weather conditions, it is imperative that your child be dressed accordingly.    
Enrollment in my playschool costs $11 per hour.  Full day weekend care costs are as $35-45 per day as outlined under services.  As your child is enrolled ____________hours per  
week, payment of ____________is due ____________________________________________as outlined on the payment agreement form.  I am flexible about payment and offer many different types of arrangements.  However, I do expect to be paid as agreed.  A late fee of $5 per day will be assessed to fees not paid on time.  A fee of $20 will be assessed on checks not honored by the bank.   
This contract is between Amanda Nichols and ________________________________________ 
                                                                                                                                                           (parent or guardian) 
for the care of:  
Name:________________________________________  Birthdate:_______________________ 
Name:________________________________________ Birthdate:_______________________ 
Childcare will begin on___________________ 
We have received and read this contract and agree to abide by it. 
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________ Date___________ 
Provider Signature_______________________________________________ Date___________ 

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