
Payment Agreement

Mandi's Playschool Payment Agreement 

Evening care cost is $11 per hour. 
Pricing for weekend care is as follows:  
         -Infants: $45 per day 
         -2-3 Year Olds: $40 per day 
         -3 and Up: $35 per day 
Full day care care is 4.5-9 hours.  Cost for care that extends beyond 9 hours will be discussed on an individual basis.    
Half day care ( 4.5 hours or less) will be charged at 50% the daily rate. 
I will make my payment of_____________per day to Mandi Nichols:   weekly       daily     drop-in 
My child will attend playschool ________________ days per week  
I will pay a total of $_______________ every:  
Monday                Tuesday               Wednesday                Thursday                Friday             Drop-In 
This payment, plus any additional fees if applicable, will be made via cash or check written out to: Amanda Nichols.   
*Overtime charges are $1 per minute unless prior arrangements have been made 
*Late payment fees are $5 per day.  If you need to change your payment day, please ask for a new agreement. 
*A $25 fee will be charged for any checks declined by the bank.  
Signature:____________________________________________________    Date:__________   

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